Women's Day contest-Nirlep

Discussion in 'Free Stuff/Contest' started by jinu, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. jinu

    jinu Well-Known Member

    This Women's Day let the nation know What's Your Special Talent?A passion that defines who you are! It may be photography, cooking, singing, sports, anything atall!
    Send us a photograph or video of you in action in the comments section with description or inbox the same...
    Contest Rules:
    Like Nirlep Facebook page
    Like Nirlep Twitter, Pinterest
    Mention your favourite cookware from www.nirleponline.com with the exact link
    Take your time, and upload a wonderful photograph and Video!
    Chosen Winners will be featured on Nirlep's blog, www.nirlepindia.wordpress.com and Nirlep social media sites..
    Awesome Nirlep Goodies and Gift Coupons Up for grabs!
    Few random participants to win Nirlep e-coupons, who interact, share, invite friends throughout the contest...! So let the entries flow.


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